We always recommend going for certified A2 Milk in Pune. Indigau A2 Milk is tested periodically from FSSAI approved NABL Listed Lab to ensure you get natural unadulterated milk every day.
In India, the cow is a sacred animal and is also called Gau Mata. The cow is also called “Kamadhenu” because its milk has also been found not only to be nutritious for children but also effective in the overall health development and growth of children. India has a tradition of rearing cows of mostly native breed. They are Shahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi, Tharpakar, Rathi, Kankrej, Ongole and Hariana to name a few. Indian native breeds of cows are of A2 milk type and hence are a source for safe pure and natural milk.
A special type of A2 protein is found in the milk of native cows, which helps us fight heart disease and diabetes. This protein is also very helpful in mental development of children. Perhaps this is why A2 cow’s milk is also compared to mother’s milk. Because in this milk, almost all the properties found in mother’s milk are found. A2 milk is useful if you want to make your body stronger and healthier. 8 grams of protein is available from a glass of A2 milk, what you’ll never get from artificial drinks.
A newborn baby is dependent on milk until it is able to consume other substances. Fresh A2 milk is rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin B2. Apart from this, it contains many other mineral substances like magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, including vitamins A, D, K and E.
A2 Beta Casein Protein found in A2 milk enhances the disease resistance of our body as well as reduces the risk of heart disease. It also strengthens the digestive system, so this milk is fed to the newborn.
We hope that you people have understood the benefits of a2 milk and advise you to give A2 milk to the new born baby or mother’s milk. This milk is very beneficial for the baby. Do share this article with your family and relatives, so that those people can also know about the benefits of A2 milk.
We can now conclude that we should drink A2 milk only as it prevents us from milk related health complications especially from ordinary A1 milk. A1 milk worsens acne, eczema, upper respiratory infections, asthma and allergies. It causes digestive problems, not because of the lactose but because of massive histamine release from casomorphin.
Hence, we always recommend going for certified A2 Milk only. Indigau A2 Milk is tested periodically from FSSAI approved NABL Listed Lab to ensure you get natural unadulterated milk every day at your doorstep.